I got a pink slip in my pay envelope nowadays. 今天,我的薪水袋里加了一张解雇通知书。
If the trend holds, at least one HSBC employee will be sure to dodge the pink slip this time around. 如果这一规律再次奏效,至少现任CEO斯图亚特•格利佛能保住饭碗。
The bad news keeps rolling in, forcing millions of Americans who still receive a paycheck to brace for a pink slip. 滚滚而来的坏消息迫使上万仍领薪水支票的美国人为一纸解雇通知书作准备。
Print out a phony pink slip and leave It in their mailbox 打印一张假解聘通知书放到他们的信箱里
As soon as you receive a pink slip, or if you know it's coming, ask what benefits terminated employees are eligible for. 一旦你收到了解雇通知书或者你知道马上要被解雇了,就问问你能够得到什么样的解雇福利。
Now a pink slip, a bad diagnosis, or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months. 现在被解雇,糟糕的病症诊断,或者离异都可能使得一个中产阶级家庭在几个月内重新变成穷人。
Typos, misspellings, and major grammatical errors will tank a resume faster than you can say," Holy pink slip, Batman!" 拼写错误以及明显的语法错误会让你的简历在你还没来得及说出“Holypinkslip,Batman!”
Amanda: You'd better concentrate on your job, or you may be given the pink slip. 阿曼达:你最好工作专心点,否则你被开除的。
He told them they better shape up or they'll get a pink slip. 他告诉他们要好好干,否则会接到解雇的通知。
He got the pink slip this morning and is packing his stuff now. 他早上接到解雇通知,现在正在收拾东西。
Get it done, or you'll basically receive a pink slip very soon. I can promise you about that. 搞定这件事。不然你八成要很快被炒鱿鱼,这点我可以保证。
From right here in Los angeles, let's give it up for pink slip! 来自洛杉矶,让我们给他们点掌声!
He'll get a pink slip. 他要接到解雇的通知。
John killed himself yesterday when he received a john's letter and a pink slip. 昨日,约翰同时收到一封绝交信和一份解雇通知,自杀了。
A: I got a pink slip for that incident. 因那件小事我被解雇了。
Do you have talents that could bring in an income if your employer handed you a pink slip? 如果你的老板解雇了你,你有可以带来收入的才华吗?
If you don't want to be gived the pink slip, please concentrating on your job. 如果你不想被解雇,那么请你专注于你的工作。
Keep in mind, we're talking about a state where the pink slip has become the state flower, where they are laying off teachers and cops, raising tuition and charging people for some emergency calls. 要记住,我们说的是一个解雇率失业率非常高的州,他们解雇教师和警察,提高学费,向一些紧急求助电话收费。
Write your name and address on this pink slip. 在这张粉红色纸条上写下你的姓名和地址。
Chen Yiqian also got the pink slip. 陈一倩也接到了公司的裁员通知。
This is what the physician would have in front of him and her when we enter that exam room instead of just the pink slip that said I paid at the counter. 这就是在我们进入检查室时候,医生面前会有的资料,而不只是张粉红单据,写著要我在柜台付帐,对吗?
The Pink Slip Incident: A Probe into Disputes between Labor and Management in the Late Period of the Nationalist Revolution 无情鸡事件:国民革命后期劳资纠纷的实证考察